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Advantage Performance Group • We help organizations develop great people.

Multipliers gather in New York, participants share ‘aha! moments’

The Rubin Museum of Art in New York was the setting for business leaders gathered to experience Multipliers, the simulation based on the bestselling book by Liz Wiseman that reveals techniques proven to help managers and others in leadership roles bring out the best in their teams.

We’re celebrating the launch of our simulation with complimentary parties in Silicon Valley, Chicago, New York, Cincinnati, and Minneapolis, and you’re invited! RSVP here to attend. (We'll be in Cincinnati on June 10, Minneapolis on June 23.)

At the event, participants practice the art of turning "multiplier moments" into opportunities that can inspire others to be more creative, productive and resourceful. They learn behaviors that can either multiply or diminish the intelligence of their team. After years of research, Wiseman concluded that shared behaviors among some of the world's most successful leaders consistently made employees more productive, some to the point of doing the best work of their careers.

By identifying those moments on the job outside the simulation, "multiplier moments" become "aha! moments," the lightbulb of awareness turns on and real change can begin.

Here are some of the "aha! moments" our participants have shared with us:

  • "Being an Optimist and Always On can, will, does diminish my team's potential. Thank you for immediate self awareness and the tools to quickly change and drive increased team productivity!"
  • "My aha is that this is incredibly beneficial to new leaders in the organization as well as experienced leaders. Starting new leaders off with an awareness sets them up for success."
  • "Diminisher activities can happen due to good intentions. Be self aware!"
  • "There is a fine line between being a helper and a diminisher, and we all exhibit diminishing behaviors at times."
  • "One aha moment from today was learning that being a rapid responder can cause negative effects on the team instead of helping move things along faster."
  • "Love the accidental diminishes because they are so real and all of us have one or more in us. Makes you really take a hard look at yourself and think about how to change."
  • Fun way to learn about important choices as leaders.  Valuable to work with both multiplier AND diminisher characteristics.
Julie Wolpers

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